‘Keepin’ Up with the Political Shows of Derrick Shepard Part II

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around because guess who’s back? Derrick Shepherd! That’s right, our man Derrick has decided he hasn’t had enough of the political circus and is back in the race for the Jefferson Parish District 3 council. Yes, you heard that right!is. It’s like that tío who keeps showing up at family parties even though no one invited him!

Now, here’s where it gets spicy: A judge, probably after a long lunch with too many margaritas, decided to give Derrick another shot after he got the boot on August 21st. Ay Dios mío!

So, the neighborhood chismosa, tried to stir the pot. She went all legal on Derrick, claiming he was more busy enjoying the Mississippi sun than the Louisiana gumbo.. But hold on to your churros! Derrick’s fancy lawyers, probably the same guys who advertise on late-night TV, said it was all a big misunderstanding. Classic!

The judge, maybe needing some glasses, was like, “Where’s the proof Derrick lived in Mississippi?” And even if he did, that whole thing ended quicker than my abuela chasing me with a chancleta!

So, mark your calendars, mi gente, for October 14th, 2023. That’s when the big showdown between Shepherd and Byron Lee, the District 3 champ, is going down. And just a little side note, Shepherd is over there making decisions for Jefferson Parish Schools. Guess with Derrick, kids are learning early how to play ‘Creative Truth-Telling 101’– all before recess!