Luis y Ana

Luis y Anna

Luis: So, Ana, have you heard about Louisiana’s latest educational breakthrough?

Ana: Oh, you mean the revolutionary idea of making students pass a test to graduate? Groundbreaking! Next, they’ll be asking students to actually attend classes!

Luis: Right? And get this – they don’t allow appeals for failing grades. It’s like, “Sorry kid, you failed the test. Better luck in your next life.”

Ana: Ah, the old ‘one strike and you’re out’ approach to education. Because who needs a second chance in life?

Luis: Exactly! And think about it, if you can’t pass the test, no need to worry about trivial things like joining the workforce or going to college.

Ana: Or enlisting in the military. Because who would want a career or an education when you could just retake a test for the rest of your life?

Luis: And the opponents, they say it lowers education standards and amounts to giving up on students. But hey, who needs high standards or hope, right?

Ana: Absolutely! Why aspire to improve when you can just settle for the status quo? It’s the Louisiana way!

Luis: Oh, and remember the original intent for non-English speakers and students with learning disabilities? Well, they expanded it, but now, no appeals for anyone. Consistency is key!

Ana: Consistency in being consistently at the bottom of educational rankings. Why aim for the stars when you can comfortably lie on the ground?

Luis: It’s all about decreasing the rate of disconnected youth. Because nothing connects you to society like being stuck in high school forever.

Ana: Truly, Louisiana is leading the charge in educational innovation. Who needs a diploma when you’ve got endless standardized tests?

Luis: Exactly, Ana. Who needs a future when you’ve got a great test to look forward to, year after year?

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